Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Before I go away for a few days...

So I am leaving for a couple days. In a few hours I'll be heading south to drop my beautiful Babies off at my Mom's house. And then Wednesday I will be driving 4 hours north to spend a couple days with my wonderful husband, so I won't be able to work on my quilt. I'll leave you with some pics of some past projects that have led me to my journey to learn to quilt...like for real. LOL

First is a small rag quilt type thing I made for my Daughter. The top was beautiful, then I uglified it quilting it, and binding it. So I'll just show the pretty top!

Next up is a Blanket I made for my Son, he loves Thomas. Once Again, I did a horrible job with binding it, and my squares did NOT line up at all! Good thing he doesn't care, and you can't really see it! 

I made this one for a friends Baby. 

And Last, is a quilt block I made for a group quilt project. 

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